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  5. 2,4-D, ses sels et esters (FT 208) (rubrique sélectionnée)

2,4-D, ses sels et esters

Fiche toxicologique n° 208

Sommaire de la fiche

Édition : 2011


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  6. 2,4-D Ethylhexyl ester. In : HSDB. NLM, 2005 (
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  9. 2,4-D, Addendum n° 1 to the Monograph, European Commission, May 2000.
  10. 2,4-D, Evaluation table, Working document, Doc. 7600/VI/97, rev.10, 20.03.00.
  11. 2,4-D acid and its esters, Monograph Volume 1, Level 2, Overall conclu­sions, draft, European Commission, December 1996.
  12. 2,4-D acid and its esters, Monograph Volume 3, Annex B.5, Toxicology and Metabolism, December 1996.
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  17. 2,4-D butyl ester. In : HSDB. NLM, 2009 (
  18. 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) (including salts and esters) - EPA, Technology Transfer Network, Air Toxics Web Site, Hazard sum­mary, January 2000.
  19. Duffard R, Garcia G, Rosso S, Bortolozzi A et al. - Central nervous system myelin deficit in rats exposed to 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid throu­ghout lactation. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 1996 ; 18 (6) : 691­696.
  20. Bortolozzi A, Duffard RO, De Duffard AME - Behavioral alterations induced in rats by a pre- and postnatal exposure to 2,4-Dichloro­phenoxyacetic acid. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 1999 ; 21 (4) : 451­465.
  21. Données de toxicovigilance du réseau Phyt'Attitude de la MSA, bilan 2004-2005 (
  22. Flesch F, Tournoud C, Saviuc P - Intoxications par herbicides. In : Intoxications aiguës en réanimation. Danel V & Barriot P, 2e édition. Rueil Malmaison : Arnette ; 1999.
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  26. 2,4-D. Method 5001. In : NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (NMAM), 4th edition. NIOSH, 1994 (
  27. Determination of Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Ambient Air Using Low Volume Polyurethane Foam (PUF) Sampling Followed by Gas Chromatographic/Multi-Detector Detection (GC/MD). Compendium Method TO-10A. In : Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient Air, Second Edition. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), (
  28. Petit JM - L'applicateur de produits phytosanitaires. ED 867. Paris : INRS; 2001 : 16 p.
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