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  5. Benzidine (FT 87) (rubrique sélectionnée)


Fiche toxicologique n° 87

Sommaire de la fiche

Édition : 2007


  1. Kirk-Othmer - Encyclopedia of chemical technology, 3e éd., vol. 3. New York : John Wiley and sons ; 1979: 772-777.
  2. Encyclopedia of occupational health and safety, 3e éd., vol. 1. Genève: BIT; 1983: 141-144.
  3. Kühn R, Birett K - Merkblätter gefährliche Arbeitsstoffe. Landsberg/Lech : Verlag Moderne Industrie; 1981, Blatt Nr 810.
  4. OSHA Sampling and Analytical Methods. Méthode n° 65 ; Benzidine, 3,3'- dichlorobenzidine, 2,4-Toluenediamine, 2,6-Toluenediamine. OSHA Salt Lake City; 1989 (
  5. NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (NMAM), 4th edition. Cincinnati, Ohio; 1994, Méthode 5509 - Benzidine (
  6. Registry of toxic effects of chemical substances, édition 1985-1986, vol. 1. Cincinnati : DHHS (NIOSH) 859-860.
  7. Sax NI - Dangerous properties of industrial materials report, 1982; 2: 38­43.
  8. Fabre R, Truhaut R, Prost R- La benzidine - Toxicologie - Rôle dans l'étio­logie des cancers vésicaux professionnels. Paris: INRS; 1960, ED 208, 164 p. (épuisé).
  9. IARC monographs on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans. Lyon: Centre international de recherche sur le cancer; 1982; vol. 29: 149-183 et 391-397.
  10. Ibid, 1987, suppl. 6, pp. 96-100.
  11. Ibid, 1987, suppl. 7, pp. 123-125.
  12. Jones TC - Preliminary risk assessment phase 1 on benzidin, its congeners and their derivative dyes and pigments. Washington: EPA; 1980; 55 p.
  13. Fischbein L - Potential industrial carcinogens and mutagens. New York: Elsevier; 1979; 356-364.
  14. Boeniger M - Carcinogenicity and metabolism of azo dyes, especially those derived from benzidine. Cincinnati : DHHS (NIOSH), Publication Nr 80-119; 1980; 142 p.
  15. Haley TJ - Benzidine revisited: a review of the literature and problems associated with the use of benzidine and its congeners. Clinical Toxicology, 1975; 8: 13-42.
  16. Meigs JW et al. - Bladder tumour incidence among workers exposed to benzidine: a thirty years follow up. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1986; 76: 1-8.
  17. Documentation of the threshold limit values and biological exposure indices, 5e éd. Cincinnati : ACGIH; 1986, p. 53.
  18. Ferber KH, Hill WJ, Cobb DA - An assessment of the effect of improved working conditions on bladder tumor incidence in a benzidine manufac­turing facility. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 1976; 37 : 61-68.
  19. Preventing health hazards from exposure to benzidine congener dyes. Cincinnati: DHHS (NIOSH), Publication Nr 83-105; 1983; 46 p.
  20. Castegnaro M et al. - Laboratory decontamination and destruction of carcinogens in laboratory wastes: some aromatic amines and 4-nitrobi- phenyl. Lyon: Centre international de recherche sur le cancer; 1985, publication scientifique n° 64, 87 p.
  21. Cuves et réservoirs. Recommandation CNAM R 276. INRS