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  5. Diquat (FT 288) (rubrique sélectionnée)


Fiche toxicologique n° 288

Sommaire de la fiche

Édition : 2012


  1. The Merck index. An encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs and biological. 14th ed. Whitehouse Station : Merck and Co ; 2006.
  2. Bingham E, Cohrssen B, Powell CH (Eds) - Patty's Toxicology. 5th ed. Vol. 4 New York : John Wiley and Sons ; 2001 : 1531 p.
  3. Diquat. In : Agritox (
  4. Diquat. In : Décision de réévaluation, PRVD2008-12, sécurité des pro­duits, Santé canada (
  5. Review report for the active substance diquat finalised in the Standing Committee on Plant Health at its meeting on 12 December 2000 in view of the inclusion of diquat in Annex I of Directive 91/414/EEC - Final - SANCO/1688/VI/97 - Final 22.03.2001.
  6. Diquat. Fiche IPCS. ICSC 1363, 2001 (
  7. Diquat. In : HSDB. NLM, 2010 (
  8. Diquat - Aide-mémoire technique « Les valeurs limites d'exposition pro­fessionnelle aux agents chimiques en France ». ED 984. INRS (
  9. Diquat. In : Documentation of the threshold limit values and biological exposure indices. Cincinnati : ACGIH ; 2011 : CD-ROM.
  10. Diquat. In : Répertoire toxicologique. CSST, 1992 (
  11. Diquat. In : Gestis-databank on hazardous substances. BGIA, 2011. (
  12. Forsberg K, Mansdorf SZ - Quick selection guide to chemical protective clothing. 5th ed. Hoboken : John Wiley and Sons ; page 126.
  13. Review report for the active substance diquat finalised in the Standing Committee on Plant Health at its meeting on 12 December 2000 in view of the inclusion of diquat in Annex I of Directive 91/414/EEC - 1688/VI/97-final, 22 march 2001 ( public/index.cfm?event=activesubstance.selection).
  14. Diquat - ECCO-meetings - Volume 1, Level 2, Overall conclusions. European Commission Peer Review Programme, March 1996.
  15. Diquat - ECCO-meetings - Volume 3, Annex B. European Commission Peer Review Programme, March 1996.
  16. Diquat, International Programme on Chemical Safety, Poisons Information Monograph 580, IPCS INCHEM, 1998. (
  17. Diquat - Pesticides residues in food : 1993 evaluations Part II Toxicology, IPCS INCHEM, 1993. (
  18. IPCS INCHEM, Paraquat and diquat, Environmental Health Criteria 39, International Programme on Chemical Safety, WHO 1984. (
  19. Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED), Diquat Dibromide, List A, Case 0288, United States Environmental Protection Agency, July 1995. (
  20. Diquat Dibromide, Risk Characterization Document, California Environmental protection Agency, August 1994. (
  21. Public Health Goal for Diquat. In : Drinking Water, California Environmental Protection Agency, September 2000. (
  22. WHO. Diquat. Poison Information Monograph. (
  23. Intoxications par le diquat. Étude rétrospective des observations colli­gées par le système français de toxicovigilance (2000-2006). 2009. (
  24. Manoguerra AS - Full thickness skin burns secondary to an unusual exposure to diquat dibromide. J. Toxicol. Clin. Toxicol., 1990, 28 (1) : 107­110.
  25. Testud F, Grillet JP, Baert A, Baldi I et coll. - Produits phytosanitaires : intoxications aiguës et risques professionnels. Ed. ESKA, 2007, p. 270­274.
  26. Diquat, Chemical Sampling Information 237600. OSHA Safety and Health (
  27. Cuves et réservoirs. Recommandation CNAMTS R 435. Paris : INRS ; 2008.